Tuesday, August 14, 2007

turning it all upside down

Often i look at the state of affairs in this world, this country, and feel like everything is upside down and backwards. Either that, or i am upside down and backwards (which is also a good possibility). But i know i am not the only one who feels this way. Indeed i seem to meet more people everyday who are miffed by the backwardness.

Just this evening i had a conversation with a random grocery clerk about the insanity of the media and what we are spoon fed via their publications and television shows. He said a few funny things...

"i tell people: 'if you want to know about some relationship drama, just sleep around, cheat on your spouse.. then you can stop living vicariously through others...'" and... "if you'd like to look at some cellulite, eat poorly, stop exercising and you'll have plenty of your own to look at in the mirror everyday." (this was in reference to one of those crazy tabloids covered with zoomed-in photos of celebrity asses.)

i am not quite as bitter as he is; certainly i read a 'girly magazine' from time to time (i call it junk food for the mind). But, i do find it all simultaneously humorous and disturbing. There is a war going on, one that is sucking more money than Vietnam, and here we stand in la la land, in millions of grocery lines, goo goo eyed at the most recent starlet scandal. I find this image to be skewed, but then again, i am not out there initiating or organizing a new peace rally - i am here, safe with my computer, a little peanut gallery of one.. talking to no one in particular!

Yet, what i feel this world needs right now is authentic communication and love.

How much of the insanity in the world is driven by people's desire to prove something to someone else? How much of the pain and the numbness occurs because people are afraid and sad deep down? How many people never followed their own dreams and because of their bitterness, squashed the dreams of others?

Perhaps what we need is more people willing to share themselves, share their dreams, and support others in doing the same. Peace happens one human at a time and radiates outwards like a domino effect. You never know how a single smile at a stranger might create a ripple effect in the world; it truly might be the one thing that stops them from committing suicide that day.

There is a cycle of bitterness and fear, and a cycle of love and understanding. Where do you want to put your energy?

i know it is not all as simple as that, but it is a question worth asking. It is hard living day to day. No matter who you are, there are many challenges to be faced, and if we could just face each other and say 'i care. i will be there for you however i can..' what a difference that little acknowledgement could make.

know what i'm sayin'?

i'm tired now - had my statistics final exam today. i met with a friend to study before the exam, but we ended up talking most of the time... an intense and profound conversation.

in the big scheme of things, which is more important?

A) connecting with others and finding our place in this wild world.


B) a statistics exam



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